Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 143

Objective 1.3 Establish a comprehensive, coordinated bicycle and pedestrian system connecting parks, greenways, and recreational facilities. Policy 1.3.1 The LMPRD will coordinate the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths within and connecting public parks with the Louisville Metro Pedestrian Master Plan and Louisville Metro Bike Master Plan prepared by Metro Public Works. Policy 1.3.2 The LMPRD will coordinate with the Metro Public Works Departments, MSD and other entities to create a loop trail around the perimeter of Louisville. Policy 1.3.3 The LMPRD and other agencies as appropriate will coordinate with adjacent counties to establish inter-county trail connections. Policy 1.3.4 The LMPRD will coordinate with MSD to ensure that public access considerations are addressed in all greenway easement and land acquisition negotiations. Policy 1.3.5 Objective 1.4 Coordinate the provision of recreational facilities with other providers to help meet the recreational needs of the community, to optimize efficiency, and to avoid duplication of service. Policy 1.4.1 The LMPRD will work with Jefferson County Public Schools to identify opportunities for development/shared use of recreational facilities on school grounds. Policy1.4.2 The LMPRD will identify recreational facilities managed by other providers such as the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, and community organizations. The availability of such facilities will be taken into consideration in planning for the development of new recreational facilities within the public parks and open space system. Objective 1.5 Increase public awareness and utilization of available recreational resources. Policy 1.5.1 The LMPRD will develop and implement a public information program using a variety of media and outreach events. 122 V. THE PLAN | October 2016 Update