Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 142

Policy 3.2.4 The LMPRD will identify archetypical historic landscape features ( old roads and trails , stone fences , osage orange fencerows , etc .) and incorporate them into the parks and open space system .
Policy 3.2.5 In collaboration with the Committee on Public Art , the LMPRD will support the Public Art Master Plan and its guidelines for appropriate integration of public art and monuments into the parks , greenways and trails , and open space system .
Objective 3.3 Promote interpretive and educational programs and facilities within the parks and open space system to foster an understanding of natural and cultural resources and processes .
Policy 3.3.1 The LMPRD will design the Louisville Loop proposed by Policy 1.3.2 to incorporate interpretive facilities which tell the story of Louisville ’ s cultural and natural history .
Policy 3.3.2 The LMPRD will coordinate with Jefferson County Public Schools to develop programs which involve students in the management and restoration of park and open space resources .
Objective 3.4 Promote the long-term preservation and economic viability of active farmland , prime agricultural soils , and productive woodland .
Policy 3.4.1 The LMPRD will coordinate with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the U . S . Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service to promote the use of programs which maintain or preserve agricultural land and woodland , for example , acquisition of conservation easements , preferential tax assessment and purchase of development rights .
Policy 3.4.2 The LMPRD will use the presence of prime agricultural soils , and productive woodland as criteria in prioritizing land for acquisition as public open space and conservation easements .
Policy 3.4.3 The LMPRD will consider lease arrangements with private farmers as a management strategy for agricultural lands preserved as part of the parks and open space system . Agricultural use of such lands will be consistent with protection of environmental resources such as natural vegetation and water quality .
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