Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 145

Policy 2.2.4 The LMPRD will inventory biological resources within the parks system and manage parks and open space to protect their biological integrity and enhance biodiversity. Policy 2.2.5 The LMPRD will support development of a tree ordinance to protect and enhance tree canopy cover within Louisville. Goal 3: Open Space for Aesthetic, Cultural, and Educational Purposes A parks and open space system which preserves and enhances visual quality, protects historic and archaeological resources, and provides opportunities for education, and accommodates production of agricultural and forest resources. Objective 3.1 Protect and provide public access to scenic resources. Policy 3.1.1 The LMPRD will identify parks and greenways that are visible from public roads and rights- of-way and strive to protect significant viewsheds. Policy 3.1.2 The LMPRD will develop and implement a master plan for the Louisville Loop proposed by Policy 1.3.2. The trail will be designed to connect and provide access to major scenic resources including the Ohio River, Floyds Fork, and the Jefferson Memorial Forest. Objective 3.2 Preserve and restore cultural resources as part of the parks and open space system. Pol