Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 120

As of 2016, LMPRD oversees approximately 70 miles of marked hiking trails, 17.6 miles of mountain bike trails (5.4 at Cherokee, 3.8 at Seneca. 8.4 at Waverly) and 22.4 miles of equestrian trails (11.0 at Jefferson Memorial Forest, 5.5 at Iroquois, 5.9 at McNeely). Cyclocross A Cyclocross course was developed in 2012 at Eva Bandman Park and has been the site of several national level competitions as well as an international UCI World Cyclocrosss championship – the first international event held in the U.S. 2012 UCI Masters Cyclocross World Championships at Eva Bandman Park Extreme Sports Skate Park LMPRD built a state-of-the-art Extreme Sports Park in 2002 that accommodates bikes and skateboards. The park was recently impacted by the Downtown Ohio River Bridges project which funded a relocation of part of the park as well as new construction of park features. David Armstrong Extreme Park Zip-line A tree-top adventure zip-line facility was constructed at Jefferson Memorial Forest in 2015 and now provides revenue. Go Ape! Zip-lining Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS 99