Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 89

Doyle Moss — Mayor of Willow Park  Doyle has volunteered and served on committees and boards all of his adult life. “I enjoy serving, helping others and making a difference, and hopefully I’m doing that.” Doyle also helped start an orchestra in the church he was raised back in Sherman. “We went from two to three members to over 25 and it’s still active. I played baritone in the Sherman High School Band and played trombone in the church orchestra.” His favorite way to pay it forward?  “Since my mother died in 2006, I have a soft spot for ladies who are dining alone. If there happens to be a senior lady in a restaurant, Ms. Linda knows we are going to buy her meal. I enjoy buying meals for family, friends and strangers from time to time. Several times I’ve seen young people at a table eating [while] on their phones, I’ll offer them $20 toward their meal to put down their phones and talk to each other.” His best day? “Start the day off with breakfast at the Aledo Diner, a round of golf with Ms. Linda or the guys I play with, and dinner with Ms. Linda alone or with family.” His best piece of advice? “It’s more blessed to give than receive, and if I help enough people get what they want, I’ll get what I want.”  87