Parker County Today February 2020 | Page 81

Bryan Sloan — Real Estate Agent  Bryan loves helping people find their forever home, because he loves helping people. “When someone can finally sell their home or find the home they’ve wanted, it’s a big deal. No two people are exactly alike, so there are always different stories and motivations behind moving. When I can play a part in this portion of a family’s life, it’s really rewarding,” he explained. Most people don’t know that this Lorena, Texas, native grew up on 500 acres with 100 head of cattle. “Those were some amazing days being outside at home with mom, dad and the seven of us kids on all that land.” His best piece of advice? “Remember who you are and where you came from. My dad told me this and it’s always stuck with me.” Bryan would like to be remembered for helping and serving others. “There’s enough people who take, so try to be someone who can give,” he explained. “Our community is full of people and organizations who constant- ly give to others, so there are some amazing examples we can look to.”  79