World Teachers’ Day
On 5 October every year, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. We take time to appreciate our own
teachers – the people who probably taught us most of what we know. We use this day to think of the
special people who teach at Pinelands North. We have something very unique at PNPS – our teachers
love their jobs and can’t do enough for your children and the community at large! The Red Connect
usually organises a special event for the teachers. The children also celebrate the role their teachers
play by writing them notes or organising surprises for them.
Children are given a series of assessments each term and, at the end of each term, parents will receive a
formal report regarding their child’s progress.
Children are given codes for each subject. The descriptors for each code are as follows:
Outstanding Achievement
Meritorious Achievement
Substantial Achievement
Adequate Achievement
Moderate Achievement
Elementary Achievement
Not Achieved
In the first term of the year, teachers spend a lot of time revising work from the previous grade.
Therefore, we take a conservative approach and do not readily give a code 6 or 7 at this stage of the
year. It is always better for children to get higher codes in the next terms, rather than drop to lower
At the beginning of each term, the class teacher will send home an assessment plan. This will give you
some indication of the work we have planned. The dates of assessments are only rough guidelines.
Teachers work flexibly and are also guided by the pace of the pupils.
We do not want our Foundation Phase children to find assessments stressful: in fact, they are often not
even aware that they are doing an assessment.
Furthermore, we do not want our children to be ‘dr