Parent Guide to PNPS 2014 | Page 10

‘klanke’. On Fridays, we test them on these words, using the current week’s words, as well as words from previous weeks. These marks are used towards our termly assessments. However, there may be some Fridays when we use the allocated time to assess other subjects. We will send our assessment and weekly tests home from time to time for you to have some idea as to how your child is progressing. Please sign these books every time you see them and return them to school the next day. DISCIPLINE             Our policy is to catch children doing things right, rather than being punitive. Praise and love are very important in dealing with children. It is important that they develop strong self-esteem. Twice a term, we hand out a merit trophy to one child in each class. These are to acknowledge any effort or progress that we have noted in our pupils. We look at all spheres of school life, when we decide who is to be acknowledged: social, cultural, sporting and academic. Every week in assembly, we hand out four merit badges to children in each class. The emphasis of these awards is on emotional and social development. We use a lot of rewards in class, such as stars, stickers, certificates, notes of encouragement and letters. Each class has their own reward chart or group competition. Some classes change seating places regularly to ensure that personality clashes and cliques do not become a problem. We try to keep a balance between ‘quiet’ times in class and social interaction, depending on the activities. It is very important for children to learn to listen to each other and the teacher without interrupting. Children may not borrow stationery – they must use their own. Work that is incomplete because pupils have not been focused will be sent home. Encourage your child to be independent and to solve problems by him/herself. If your child is experiencing problems, we make it our aim to deal with them positively and to work together with you to find solutions. No child at PNPS will be ‘written off.’ The role we expect you to play as far as discipline in concerned:     10 Read the PNPS Code of Conduct and Anti-Bullying Policy carefully. Spend time explaining them to your child. Take note of the role that you, as the parent, are expected to play. Encourage your child to stand up against bullying and to speak to the teacher about it. Be punctual and make sure your child gets to school on time. If your child is late, please report to the office first. Do not bring them straight to class. Having children arrive at different times in the morning is very disruptive. Do not keep your child out of school, unless it is really necessary. Pinelands North Primary School