It ’ s Building Time
If you were able to attend the June installation , you may have heard the St . Petersburg Bar Association ’ s ( SPBA ) theme for the year : “ Party like it is 1999 – BYB ”. Traditionally , the SPBA creates a theme every year that is relevant to a particular issue , challenge , or area of importance to the legal community .
By way of explanation , the “ 1999 ” reference in this year ’ s theme is twofold . First , and most importantly , it is an acknowledgement of the SPBA reaching a historical milestone of celebrating our 99 th anniversary , on May 15 , 2024 . On the brink of our centennial , this is obviously something to be celebrated . For our organization to exist for 99 years is a testament to prior leadership , countless contributions from members over many decades , and an unwavering belief in , and dedication to , the organization ’ s mission . However , the “ 1999 ” is also a reference to the iconic Prince song and reminder to , simply put , have fun as a legal community . We are the preeminent bar association in the state ( if not the country ) when it comes to attorney wellness , and this theme is a continuation of that initiative . Hence , we will aim to make all events this year fun to provide our members with an escape from the rigors that are inherent in the practice of law . Let ’ s support and celebrate this year together !
The focus of this year ’ s theme is BYB – Build Your Brand - Build Your Business - Build Your Bar . While helping the legal community in the practice of law has always been a tenet of the SPBA , this year ’ s focus is on assisting members in the business of law .
You may be asking yourself why the business of law is an area of importance today more than in other years . Well , when considering a theme , we looked at the headwinds our legal community is currently facing . We noticed that , prior to the COVID-19 pandemic , law practices were already being disrupted due to exponential technological advances and
By Ryan Griffin
a noticeable change in the mindset of the next generation of lawyers . COVID-19 accelerated this transformation and change on a behavioral , cultural , and organizational level . Add to that , an annual inflation rate of 8 % in 2022 , mental fatigue lingering from COVID-19 , unprecedented growth in our community , the emergence of artificial intelligence , new challenges surrounding affordability , differing positions on “ return to work ” policies , effects of workplace changes on employee morale and mentoring , and the result is a very difficult business environment to untangle , understand and , ultimately , navigate .
We plan on addressing these challenges collaboratively and together through a series of curated events over the course of the year ( i . e . membership luncheons , CLEs , seminars , quarterly president hosted dinners , wellness events , monthly buildyour-business lunches , etc .). We will have meaningful and open discussions to share best practices to build your Brand , Business , and Bar association .
I know when you hear the word “ brand ” you may immediately think of a fortune 500 company and its logo . While we will work on advancing and defining your firm ’ s brand in the traditional sense this year , we will also look to help you define your personal brand and reputation ( i . e . what sets you apart ) within the legal industry ( i . e . how are you seen by clients , partners , colleagues , etc .) as well as outside of it ( i . e . what are your personal interests and how can you market these interests to garner new business ). We currently live in a city that is bursting at the seams in terms of growth . In the last 365 days , Pinellas County has seen $ 1.3 billion in new migration dollars ( net ) move into our area . There were 20,000 new jobs created in Pinellas County alone over the last year . The problem in the immediate future is not a lack of business opportunities but how to focus your efforts and your brand to maximize on the opportunities available .