So, PANIC can help you set yourself a plan for the future, it should start before the FGC. It should include as many parenting programs you can find, Incredible Years can be found in most areas and your PANIC support person can point you in the right direction to get on board with one of the courses. D&A (Drug and Alcohol Courses are also a must if there has been drug or alcohol involvement.
Personal Life Coaching, as opposed to counselling, though often some counselling is good for you. Counselling is about looking back over your shoulder and talking about the things that happened that got you to the place you are at and how you feel about it all. Whereas a Life Coach will look at supporting you to be able to move forward instead of obsessing on what is happening now.
Also looking into employment prospects can carry some weight at an FGC, showing a sign of maturity. Look for something different, woman can be involved in anything, how hard can plumbing be? Water follows pipes, the wages are good! ECE (Early Childhood Education) is being taken up by Joe & Josephine Blogs in high numbers, the pay is low, and the numbers looking for work will be high.
All these things are about recognising that you are striving to make a better life for yourself, which is what CYFS want to see.
Your PANIC support worker will support you in finding these courses and even apprenticeships if you wish. They will also talk to you about how to set out a reliable and child focussed access/visitation plan for the child, this must take the child’s school holidays, birthdays, Christmas, Easter and Mums, Dads and g/parents birthdays into consideration also.
Being prepared is being half way there.
Arrive early. Do not be late. This is an important meeting. Do not drink alcohol or use drugs, have your mind clear. You have arrived at the designated place for the FGC. Don’t rush yourselves, take your time, and go to the toilet before you go into the meeting room.