Charter for children and young people in care
Please read the charter carefully so that you know your rights and can speak up about them.
1 I have the right to know why I am in care. I should be treated like other children who are not in care and can live at home.
2 I have the right to live with people who care about me, who respect me and who I can trust. They will give me enough
food to eat, my own bed, a place where I will feel safe,
and warm clothes to wear.
3 I have the right to say no to people touching me, hitting me or saying things that make me feel yucky or uncomfortable.
4 I have the right to have a say about things that are happening to me and to be told what is going to happen to me.
My social worker or caregiver will talk with me about this.
5 I have the right to develop the things I'm good at and do things that are important to me, within reason. This includes my culture,
language and religion. I have the right to get support if I need
help to do the things that I want to do.
6 I have the right to have stuff like clothes, pocket money, toys and books, within reason, and I can ask my caregiver or social worker
how to get them.