Usually CYFS will call the FGC, there are certain times you can demand one; however this is in reference to when CYFS have decided one needs to be held.

FGC stands for Family Group Conference, just as it looks, it’s a meeting where all those involved in the welfare of a children are gathered together to decide on the future for the child/ren involved. Some refer to it as Fore Gone Conclusion, because it’s generally believed that CYFS have already decided what must happen and are holding the meeting to make sure those involved in the welfare of the child agree with CYFS.

Involved in the FGC, will be the convener of the meeting, usually a supervisor, the CYFS Social Worker involved with the child/ren, Counsel for child (C4C), sometimes their school is involved, medical professionals. Also invited are members from both sides of the family, grandparents. Often Aunts and Uncles – as I said before, anyone who is involved in the welfare of the child.

CYFS send out the invitations, in writing, to the meeting, if there is anyone in particular you want invited, give CYFS their name and address in plenty of time. You are able to take a support person into the meeting also, this person is there to support YOU and will not be required to speak, unless they want to. The children do not attend the meeting. Put aside the whole day for this meeting, you will need time to prepare yourself before it and to run it back and forwards in your mind after it has finished.

CYFS will want you, and those at the meeting, to decide that the child is in need of care and protection (C&P). However, there are many ways to say NO. By agreeing the child needs C&P you are agreeing the child is unsafe and the next step will be signing the child over into the custody of CYFS or into Home for Life (HFL). It does not mean that always but it does mean A. The children can be held in care until a court date and a judge may decide. B. That the social worker may take other steps to continue with their path. C. They decide it’s all in the ‘too hard basket’ and return the children due to not having enough evidence.

How to prepare yourself for a FGC