Pale Fire: Illustrated Sports Illustrated Sports Pale Fire Journal | Page 4

Commentator 2: “I know right? Seems crazy, but come to think of it I’ve never seen these two on the same court or even at the same tournament before.” Commentator 1: “Wow, that does seem crazy. Well, in the meantime folks, we’re giving you an inside look at the profiles of these two champions.” Commentator 2: As many of you know, as well as being an accomplished ping- pong player, Charles Kinbote is also the controversial publisher of the late John Shade’s final poem, Pale Fire. Kinbote himself is the author of both the foreword and the commentary of the book and he offers a lot of ~personal~ insight into his relationship with Shade. Commentator 1: “Weren’t they neighbors?” Commentator 2: “Yes, and Kinbote touches on the subject pretty often. In fact, a lot of times stuff he claims to know about going on in Shade’s house seems a little too insightful for the guy living across the street.” Commentator 1: “Oh yeah, like what?” 4