Pale Fire: Illustrated Sports Illustrated Sports Pale Fire Journal | Page 3

Article 7: Inside the asylum: A Tribute to Nabokov’s Creativity Article 8: Article 10: Ping Pong Tournament Article 11: Dr. J.E. Notropis’ Guide to Music—Volume 1 Article 12: The Reflections from the Fire A letter from the Editor Biographies from the Creative Team 1962 Summer Olympics, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire Ping Pong “In this final round of Olympian Ping Pong, Charles Kinbote, playing for the land of Zembla, will be facing off against Hazel Shade, playing for the United States of America. While these two have both demonstrated superior skills on the court, it is hard to say who will be the top dog. For the first time in ping pong history, they will be playing each other.” Commentator 1: “Really? For the first time?” 3