Paintball Media Magazine December 2020 | Page 70

They were about to play with 3 people and only 2 guns , so 20 seconds before the horn , I shouted out “ Hey ! Take mine !”. They were blown away that some random guy would just hand over a marker .
It is not just any marker though ; it is one of 15 UltraShockers that were a joint effort between Cesare Pizzo and Tim Montressor . All with “ 40 ”, Tim ’ s number lasered onto the back cap two days after his passing . I would like to believe that this is what Tim would have wanted . Compete like enemies on the field but help each other like family off the field . So , I handed the marker over and they won ! I am fairly certain the guy rocking my Shocker hit the buzzer , but I do not know for sure . I got my Shocker back in plenty of time to play , loaded up and charged to the starting bunker . Horn sounds and I come out shooting ! Just ripping my lane ! Then about 30 seconds in …. the gun stops … AAHHHHH !!!!! Turns out that a quirk of shockers is that you must watch the trigger pin .
They can sometimes back out if they are not put in simply perfect . This is NOT a complaint to Shocker as ALL markers have their quirks . I absolutely love this gun . I am new to Shockers though , so I learned the hard way … at World Cup … in the middle of a game . Game ends and I am laughing . I decide to charge over to the other team that I lent the Shocker to . They were called the Pitboys if you are wondering . I yell out “ Hey ! You rocked it so hard you broke it !” They had this terrified look on their face . Not because they fear me but because they are genuinely concerned about my marker . I explain what happened and we all laugh . The Shocker techs were at cup and had me fixed in seconds . GREAT customer service ! I have to say that I am glad it happened because it is just one more great story to tell about playing my first World Cup . Things are always going to go sideways on you . It is how you deal with the challenges that defines who you are .
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