Paintball Media Magazine December 2020 | Page 71

Well , it is time to wrap this article up but there is so much more that I am leaving out . Lots of random people asking for my autograph . All the fantastic people that signed my marker case . Driving the suicide carts in Old Town without a helmet . Dancing with Bea Young at the club . Hanging out with hall of famer Kevin Donaldson , just chilling and hearing stories from one of the greatest players ever . Having one of long-time heroes Darryl Trent admire my marker . So many stories … so many people met …
I have a favor to ask of you reading this . If you see me at a tournament or an event , please come over and say hello ! I really do want to meet you . I do not care if you are an old vet of the sport or just started playing recently . It would be an honor to shake your hand and hear your story . I love this sport and it is the people in it that make it great ! So , thank you for reading .
I look forward to seeing you all in 2021 !
www . paintball . media