Paintball Media Magazine December 2020 | Page 68

I was amazed at how busy World Cup was . I honestly did not know what to expect due to Covid-19 . The vendor ’ s area was about a 3rd of the size that it was last year . I do not know the exact numbers , but it did not feel like the numbers of players had dropped . Obviously , there were not as many teams from around the world but there were definitely a lot of players . Steven Williams of Transfuze told me that he completely sold out of product . I am not sure if that is a testament to the quality of his product or the sheer volume of players but selling out of something at a “ reduced ” event is an amazing thing .
It was so great meeting up with a lot of the people I have met online with the podcast over the last year . Not to mention seeing old friends . I think the biggest thrill though happened Saturday when I met Tim Montressor ’ s family . I knew Tim ’ s mom was coming Saturday so when I messaged her , she charged out of the VIP area to meet me with Tim ’ s girlfriend . We chatted a bit , but Mrs . Montressor really wanted to see Tampa play , so she grabbed me by the arm and said come with me , we are going into the VIP ! I replied that I did not have an armband to get in , but she gave me “ the look ” and said , we are getting in . I now completely understand where Tim got his people skills ! The guy protecting the VIP area took one look , started to raise his hand , open his mouth and then paused as Mrs . Montressor just looked at him and then he just waved us through . The moment was priceless . It has been a week and I am still chuckling at that .
Once inside the VIP I was able to meet Mr . Montressor as well . I was seated between Mr . and Mrs . Montressor making small talk and watching the games . It was a moment that I will never forget . They were all nice enough to sign the case of the UltraShocker that is a tribute to their son . It was a fantastic moment . As I sat there though , as great as it was , I was starting to get a little uncomfortable . I felt out of place . I knew I was welcome and the Montressor family wanted me there but so many people were coming up to the family about Tim . I was at a paintball field , but it was beginning to feel like I was at a celebration of life for Tim and that I was hogging the family . You know that guy / girl that feels the need to be at the center of the attention , even when it has nothing to do with them ? Yeah … I was feeling like I was that guy , so I politely excused myself . The Montressors were disappointed I was leaving and asked me to stay but I truly felt it was time to go . So , I exited the VIP area to walk around .
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