Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 45

; llustr -lows for chapter 2 far cviA & us mA stw sifes
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Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return 2

Is there persecution of Christians around the world today ? Can you list any examples
inr ;: ntry , your state , city , or even school ?

; llustr -lows for chapter 2 far cviA & us mA stw sifes

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Worldwide Proclamation of the Gospel

In Matthew 24:14 , Jesus made a prediction about the End Times which up until a few years ago seemed all but impossible to fulfill . The prediction was that in the end , the Good News of Jesus Christ would be preached everywhere to everyone . Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 —
Matthew 24:14 ( NIV ) " And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations , and then the end will come . "
Two thousand years ago , Jesus made this prediction when no one knew there would be such things as radio , television , fax machines , air travel , computers , satellites , etc . And yet now as we quickly come upon the 21st century , all of these tools can be and have been used to spread the Gospel of Christ . Christ ' s prediction is coming true that just before His return , people everywhere would hear the Gospel .