Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 46

2 Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return

Do you see evidence that the Gospel of Christ is being proclaimed around the world ? See l kstrart- o its for & A ter 2 -6r N i devt ceq a . M staff si cs tl & t skow tuf s %( gvt ( s 6ei M fklfi lleA . tcdaaj . )


Israel In The Land

In Matthew 24 , Jesus appeared to be speaking about something mysterious and hard to understand when he predicted :
Matthew 24:15 ( NIV )
" So when you see standing in the holy place `the abomination that causes desolation ,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader understand- "
Jesus was referring to the Great Tribulation that would take place at the end of this age . The Bible tells us that this tribulation will last seven years . Christ also referred to the book of Daniel and what he called the `abomination of desolation .' In the book of Daniel , the Old Testament prophet predicted there would come one whom the Bible calls the Anti-Christ who would stand against God and try to rule the world for Satan . Daniel tells us this Antichrist would rule from the temple in Jerusalem . Up until 1948 , the prediction seemed to be an impossibility that there would be one who