Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 44

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Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return

Do you see signs of lawlessness increasing in the world today ? Can you name examples ?

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Persecution of Christians

The closer we come to the end of time , the more Satan understands that his great judgment is about to begin . He has come to detest anyone or anything that lives for Christ . Therefore , he will put on an all-out attack on Christians . He knows that if he can stamp out those who tell others about Christ , he will have greater power over a lost world . Satan will work behind the scenes through deceived and misled non- Christians to start a major persecution against those who believe . Jesus talked about this major persecution in Matthew 24:9 —
Matthew 24:9 ( NIV ) " Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death , and you will be hated by all nations because of me . "
Christians have always suffered some form of persecution throughout history .
Yet in the last days , the attack against Christianity will accelerate as we head towards the Return of Christ .