Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 43

Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return 2

SIGN 6 Increase of Lawlessness

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Jesus predicted that before His return the world would be on the verge of utter collapse . Many people will turn away from God . Because God is the author of law and order , when masses of people turn away from God , they are left to their own unchecked lawlessness . Jesus spoke of this lawlessness in Matthew 24:12 —
Matthew 24:12 ( NASV ) " And because lawlessness is increased , most people ' s love will grow
Who would have ever thought that 2,000 years ago , Jesus could have predicted the anarchy that is now happening within countries , states , cities , and homes of this world ? The Apostle Paul also predicted that in the last days , lawlessness due to the rebellion in man ' s hearts will increase . He said in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 —
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ( NIV ~ ])" But mark this : There will be terrible times in the last days . 2 ) People will be lovers of themselves , lovers of money , boastful , proud , abusive , disobedient to their parents , ungrateful , unholy , 3 ) without love , unforgiving , slanderous , without self-control , brutal , not lovers of the good , 4 ) treacherous , rash , conceited , lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of
God -
5 ) having a form of godliness but denying its power . "

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