Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 32

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2 Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return

Jesus said there would be many false Christs . These false Christs will be very deceptive . Since they are moved along by the power of Satan , they will be able to perform great signs and miracles . So powerful are these false Christs that in the end times even Christians , were it not for the grace of God , would be deceived by them .
Do you know of any false Christs today ?

( See 6r cmthrr 2 ' fw evi deaccs awl 0aftsfas tMai- skow tktre are Nk a Ckrich to011 )

Not only will there be counterfeit Christs in the end times , but also there will be false prophets who will be used by Satan to lead people away from God . Matthew 24:11 tells us —
Matthew 24:11 ( NIV ) " and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people . "
What are false prophets ?

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