Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 33

Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return


A false prophet does not claim to be Christ but will powerfully proclaim a false faith that goes against God and His teachings .
While there hav ( ways been false Christs and false prophets , it would a more . follow these false Christs because they are already under the power of Satan . Therefore they will easily believe the seductive teaching and power of false Christs and false prophets . Satan will attempt to destroy the Church at the end of time and will deceive people who are religious but do not really know Christ . Jesus tells us that Satan ' s work of deceiving people through false Christs and prophets will be extremely successful . Jesus said in Matthew 24:10 —
Matthew 24:10 ( NIV ) " At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other , "
True Christians are warned not to believe in the deceptive work of false Christs and false prophets . Christ warns us in Matthew 24:26 —
Matthew 24:26 ( NIV ) " So if anyone tells you , `There he is , out in the desert , ' do not go out ; or , `Here he is , in the inner rooms ,' do not believe it . "