Pack Your Bags Jesus is Coming | Page 31

0 Siqh ~ + kl o t ~ is ro s ~ + i vt tke a -ftes k w • be te fA kets . Vok Keel -N hcl our- s u ~ d ~ s ~ d ,~" twd what t ! rae " s and kow we tt c Ckri stz uwl f alst ro
A Me Christ is somata , At ( sums to be s , Ckri st or svmour bit is it fake .

Warning Signs of Christ ' s Return 2

0 Siqh ~ + kl o t ~ is ro s ~ + i vt tke a -ftes k w • be te fA kets . Vok Keel -N hcl our- s u ~ d ~ s ~ d ,~" twd what t ! rae " s and kow we tt c Ckri stz uwl f alst ro



False Christs and False Prophets

One of the signs of the Return of Christ is that there will be at that time a great falling away from God and His truth . This massive falling away from God will lead tens of millions of people into spiritual anarchy and chaos . As the world comes to an end , Satan and his demons will have such a fear of Christ that Satan will raise up fake Christs and false prophets . Satan will work through these to confuse and lead astray as many people as possible . Jesus predicted that this great falling away would occur . For example , Jesus talks about this in Matthew 24 —
Matthew 24:4-5 ; 10-11 ; 24-26 ( NIIV ) 4 )" Jesus answered : Watch out that no one deceives you . 5 ) For many will come in my name , claiming , 7 am the Christ ,' and will deceive many . 10 ) At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other , 11 ) and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people . 24 ) For false Ch ,_;+ and } alse " p = ~ eis ' will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - -if that were possible . 25 ) See , I have told you ahead of time . 26 ) So if anyone tells you , `There he is , out in the desert ,' do not go out ; or , `Here he is , in the inner rooms ,' do not believe it . "
What is a false Christ ?

A Me Christ is somata , At ( sums to be s , Ckri st or svmour bit is it fake .