Our Plans for 2021/22 | Page 176

Our business partners , stakeholders and customers

Our business partners , stakeholders and customers

Local Tourism and Development Associations ( e . g . Roma Commerce and Tourism , Booringa Action Group )
Industry associations Local accommodation and hospitality providers Local tour operators and museum operators Local event and function centre owners / managers Australian and Queensland Government agencies Outback Queensland Tourism Association Tourism and Events Queensland
South West Regional Economic Development Board ( SWRED ) / South West Region Organisation of Councils ( SWROC )
How we are managing the key operational risks
• Volunteer numbers
The continued operations of Visitor Information Centres around the region is dependent on the number of volunteers in each centre . A loss of volunteers or an inability to attract replacements will have operational and financial consequences .
• Industry involvement
All of Industry involvement in the visitor economy is essential to achieving our market share . Accordingly any reduction in involvement is a risk to achieving our goals .
• Funding for upgrades
Funds may not be available to upgrade key Tourism attractions in a timely manner .
Actions underway / planned
• Ensure that our volunteers feel appreciated , and are supported with what they need to perform their roles i . e . famils , training , networking functions and appreciation events .
• Continually promote opportunities to volunteer for various roles within our region through events which support Volunteer Retention and Attraction .
• Communicate key information about the performance of the visitor economy at least twice a year .
• Advocate for remedial measures in times of declining performance .
• Encourage industry involvement at the advisory level , through regional development associations .
• Consult with the Industry to determine priorities and identify alternative sources of funding .
• Develop a register of key projects that are shovel ready and in development .
• Maintain a register of projects that are achievable increments toward completion of major projects .
Council ’ s Tourism Officer , Leanne ready to showcase the Maranoa region to Asia Pacific event organisers in Melbourne . 176 Our plans for 2021 / 22