until Oct . 4 , produce and other free items are available at CRIS Healthy Aging , 309 N . Franklin St ., in Danville . Area residents and businesses donate most of the available items .
The Garden Share program started in 1975 under the direction of Floyd Giles , former University of Illinois Extension horticultural specialist and state Master Gardener coordinator . Today it reaches many Illinois counties and includes volunteers from farms , small towns , suburbs and cities .
Locally , OSF HealthCare is transferring over the program . An OSF representative also was on hand in July handing out a bag with a SmartMeals recipe and items to make a chicken and rice salad .
“ Garden Share is one of our most popular and needed programs to help seniors maintain a healthy diet ,” said Lisa Miller , executive director of CRIS Healthy Aging .
In 2022 , approximately 75 Vermilion County Master Gardeners volunteered more than 8,000 hours toward the
Bucks to purchase items at the local Farmers Market . Photo by Jennifer Bailey
program in the community .
Master Gardener Kristy Herr Bartos said in addition to bringing produce to CRIS , several of the master gardeners also take items to seniors they know in the community who can ’ t get out of their homes .
“ We get to know the people over the years ,” Herr Bartos said .
A lot of the produce is donated by Master Gardeners and the community gardens that they have . There are also other community members who pitch in , such as if they had a lot of zucchini or something else to donate .
Some items are dropped off and can be picked up any time from a refrigerator at CRIS .
Whatever is seasonal in the gardens , they can have cucumbers , tomatoes , carrots , herbs and also flowers for seniors at the Garden Share .
Gardening has increased in popularity with more people growing their own fruit and vegetables , according to the Vermilion County Master Gardeners .
In 2022 , about 75 Vermilion County Master Gardeners volunteered more than 8,000 hours in the community . Elsewhere in the community :
• VA Committee . Master Gardeners volunteer about 2,500 hours a year at the Danville VA . They are active in the VA Greenhouse where they propagate ,
Fresh vegetables from the garden . Photo by Jennifer Bailey