grow and maintain plants . They design , plant and maintain a pollinator garden on the grounds . They are responsible for maintaining the VA Healing Garden- as peaceful secluded garden available only to veterans residents , as well as monthly programs for veterans of different ages .
• Danville Public Library Children ’ s Wonder Garden . A Children ’ s Garden Club meets weekly all year . Master Gardeners design , plant and tend a garden with the children as well as offering horticulture programs indoors like growing mushrooms , seed starting and forcing bulbs .
• Danville Library Prairie Garden . A large area with native prairie plants planted by Master Gardeners . They plan to eventually include information to help educate library visitors on the history and beauty of native plants and encourage residents to add some of these plants to their own landscape .
• Douglas Discovery Garden Master Gardeners plant and maintain annual , perennial flower , herb and vegetable gardens with the local community . There is also a small orchard . They collaborate with local schools to offer horticulture classes in winter months culminating with students planting in May .
• Atwood House Garden . Located at Kennekuk County Park , Master Gardeners maintain the gardens from spring to fall and help with new plantings of both flowers and vegetables . They participate in the Plant A Row program where they grow vegetables for
Kristy Herr Bartos with some of the vegetables . Photo by Jennifer Bailey
local food pantries .
• Kennekuk Herb Garden . Master Gardeners plant and tend more than 100 labeled herbs in raised beds . The
Kennekuk Herb Garden received certification from the Illinois Herb Society in 2015 .
Produce distribution at the Garden Share program . Photo by Jennifer Bailey