OTnews January 2022 | Página 20

What we will do to Lift Up in 2022
Create a values-led culture
Support future and current occupational therapists ’ success
Embed the Carnduff Learner Forum to engage with apprentice and student representatives to gain greater understanding of current and evolving issues within occupational therapy education and within academic and practicebased learning .
Improve and grow our membership offer
Create a network of champions to support the research community by providing networking , mentoring , and information sharing to support the development of research capacity and capability within the occupational therapy profession across the UK .
Revitalise our offer for members
Explore how we can improve and grow our membership offer by reviewing our current package , and determine how this can be more compelling . Engaging with you , our members , to gather your views will help us get this right .
Enhance our portfolio of events to ensure they are more vibrant , engaging and widely appealing , by creating more networking opportunities for example .
Develop plans for a future review of our CPD offer . The aim of the review will be to use member insight to transform our CPD offer – for example , new resources and new approaches to supporting communities of practice .
Increase data literacy amongst RCOT members to help them understand how we can all apply data to our work to produce the best results .
What we will do to Build Up in 2022
Build new networks
Create a values-led culture that empowers our people to thrive
Strengthen our training , resources , engagement and support so our colleagues can operate at their best – and we retain our talented people .
Create a workplace wellbeing programme to enrich our colleagues ’ experience at work through increased access to physical and mental health and wellbeing support .
Review and enhance our approach to recruitment and our employment offer to enable us to attract people from diverse backgrounds to apply to work for us .
Strengthen our governance and data approaches
Increase the effectiveness of our governance , including identifying and establishing the right skills and structures to manage the complex changes we are undertaking as an organisation . Empower colleagues to make decisions and be accountable , at the appropriate level .
Become a confident evidence and data-led organisation – using and relying on data in new ways that benefit us and our members .
20 OTnews January 2022