Explore our values
Our values describe what matters to us and how everyone within RCOT acts and makes decisions as individuals and as a team to achieve our shared vision and purpose . Here ’ s what you ’ ll see and experience from us going forward as a values-driven organisation .
We Impact
We make meaningful differences with all our work .
We prioritise work that achieves our shared purpose and strategy .
We go above and beyond for the people who need us .
We Challenge
We find new and better ways to make things happen .
We are brave and bold in our ideas and actions .
We challenge ourselves , each other and the status quo .
We Elevate
We lift up and support others to be and do their best .
We are accessible and collaborative .
We are united and move forward together , even if we sometimes disagree .
We Respect
We value each other and celebrate our differences .
We are approachable , genuine and trustworthy .
We listen to others and believe everyone ’ s views should be heard .
The new RCOT will be an exciting place to be .
Going forward , we will be the advocate and champion that our members and every occupational therapist needs us to be .
January 2022 OTnews 21