OTnews January 2022 | Page 19



Consult and co-produce events and resources with members
Engage with members more often and more meaningfully , through active communication and collaboration
Consult and co-produce events and resources with members , continuing what we ’ ve started to do in this area – including developing practice guidelines and CPD resources through our knowledge and skills exchange with members .
Overhaul our digital experience , including more selfservice options , easier ways for members to interact with us and manage their account online , a new website in 2023 , and starting to develop a digital version of OTnews magazine .
Expand our pool of members who can act as RCOT representatives – speaking at events , working on national consultations and workstreams , and engaging with media .
What we will do to Open Up in 2022
Encourage more , new and different people to choose occupational therapy as their profession , and help those who are already working in occupational therapy to thrive
Drive a major campaign to raise awareness of occupational therapy as a valuable and rewarding career to choose .
Work with higher education institutions to create new routes and pathways that make occupational therapy more accessible to bring more and different people into the profession .
Raise awareness of occupational therapy as a valuable and rewarding career
Co-produce an equity , diversity and belonging strategy with our affinity networks and wider membership .
Work with public contributors – who are individuals with either an interest in occupational therapy or experience of it – to involve under-represented groups and overcome barriers to people ’ s involvement and understanding of our work .
January 2022 OTnews 19