20 regular pages
06 news
Professional and policy news from around the UK , including an analysis of Northern Ireland ’ s recently published ‘ recovery plan ’ for cancer services
59 professional resources
Summary of the research in the latest BJOT
15 unison
It ’ s not too much to mask : Unison argues that wearing masks can help prevent infection spread and limit pressure on the NHS
60 recruitment
The latest job opportunities
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Editor Tracey Samuels Production and design officers Janine Reid Suzanne Jefferson Sales manager David Agyei
President Baroness Sheila Hollins CEO Steve Ford Chairman Professor Diane Cox
@ theRCOT
David Agyei Sales manager
Total average net circulation of 32,847 print copies ( July 2019 – June 2020 )
Pre-press and printed in England by : The Lavenham Press Ltd , tel : 01787 247436