OTnews August 2021 | Page 3

One of the ‘ hottest ’ debates at this year ’ s RCOT annual conference was on inclusion , what it means and what it should look like for the occupational therapy profession .

The lively and engaging inclusion plenary panel session is now available on the RCOT website for anyone to watch , but we also kick off this issue with an in-depth look at the key issues raised – each panel member had their own personal and unique perspective , but all agreed that the issue of inclusion is a real priority for both the profession and the Royal College . Turn to page 16 to find out more .
We also bring you an extract of another annual conference session that ran under the theme of equality , diversity and inclusion . On page 19 , we report from Musharratt Ahmed-Landeryou ’ s session , where she examined the true meaning of allyship and called for occupational therapists to ‘ unite in collective collaboration to be actively anti of all oppression ’.
Then , on page 22 , we hear from Georgina Azoska , who reflects on the barriers and hurdles she faced in her early career and as a Black student occupational therapist . Despite all the challenges she was determined to become an occupational therapist and here she shares her journey in the hope that it might educate others about the power of words .
This is followed by an article from Yakoba Banks , on page 24 , who also talks about the challenges and discrimination she faced as a Black woman when starting out on her occupational therapy training .
She reflects on what diversity brings to the profession , and similarly urges people to be mindful of their comments , saying : ‘ It is important we judge someone ’ s ability to be an occupational therapist based solely on the quality of their work and not the colour of their skin .’
Other features this issue include an insightful feature from Edward Duncan , Jenny Preston and Kay Cooper , who look at why Scotland needs to fund Long COVID rehabilitation immediately . On page 32 , they argue that it is time for Scotland to ‘ embrace the precautionary principle in Long COVID rehabilitation ’ and act now – even without definitive evidence of what is best .
They make the clear case that investment to scale up and publicise existing specialist and integrated Long COVID rehabilitation would enable people to receive the help and support they need .
And finally , it ’ s now time for occupational therapists to renew their registration with the Health and Care Professions Council – if you ’ ve been called for audit , don ’ t panic . RCOT ’ s new online hub will support you with all the information needed to guide you through .
For occupational therapists the profile submission dates are 1 August 2021 to 31 October 2021 . Visit www . rcot . co . uk / supporting-you-hcpc-cpd-audit for more information on the process itself , some ‘ top tips ’ if you are selected , examples of learning activities that count as CPD , RCOT resources related to the audit and information about who to contact if you need help .

editor ’ s comment

Tracey Samuels , Editor
If you have any feedback about this issue of OTnews , or would like to contribute a short article or feature for a future publication , please email me at : editorial @ rcot . co . uk