features |
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My journey to the ‘ Oyibo ’ s ’ profession
Georgina Azoska reflects on the barriers she faced in her early career and as a Black student occupational therapist
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Practice placements during a pandemic
A look at how , despite a reduced workforce , Seashell Trust has kept up the vital offer of student placements during COVID
22 |
Becoming an occupational therapist
Yakoba Banks talks about overcoming challenges and discrimination , and reflects on what diversity brings to the profession
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‘ Pioneering ’ virtual placements
Staff and students from University of Plymouth reflect on the success of its new placement model initiative
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The development of a virtual group intervention
A look at how Hereford ’ s new Neighbourhood Mental Health Team went virtual during the pandemic
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Social while distant
Rosalyn Daly shares some practical advice from her own experience of running online groups during the pandemic
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Recovery through activity
Claire-Michelle Tolmie talks about supporting patients to independently engage in new community-based activities
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A personal reflection on remote working
Andrea Laker asks , have virtual assessments unwittingly made us more remote from the people we support ?
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It ’ s time for Scotland to act
Edward Duncan , Jenny Preston and Kay Cooper look at why Scotland needs to fund Long COVID rehabilitation now
Supporting staff wellbeing during COVID-19
The success of a wellbeing support team for staff , driven by concerns about the psychological impact of COVID-19
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From clinician to clinical researcher
What inspired one member to pursue a research pathway
focus on and reports Can we ever ‘ think too much ’?
Jon Glasby looks at why a new UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care has been commissioned
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How to think creatively about getting creative
Gina Grimwood and Lucy Thompson share some examples of their work around creativity and positivity in recovery education
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Inclusion : what should it look like ?
Report from the RCOT annual conference inclusion panel
Cover : © Sashkinw via Getty Images |
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Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists . The publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement of the advertised products , services or events by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists . A guide for contributors is available on request or on the website .
Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 1st of the month .
Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London
SE1 1LB .
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