OTnews April 2023 | Page 39

Pet assisted therapy
The husky hike was definitely the favourite part for everyone . Patients were shown how to fit a walkie belt to themselves and a harness to their husky buddy , before completing the hike around the garden within the secure unit ."

Pet assisted therapy

The interaction does not just positively affect people ; it affects the animal too . As Chambers et al ( 2014 ) stated : ‘ We ’ ve shown that when you pet a dog , not just your heart rate slows down and blood pressure drops , but so does the animal ’ s , this indicates a true , mutual human-animal bond .’
Developing a pilot project
Ty Llywelyn is a purpose built medium secure unit serving the population of North Wales , under the Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board . It provides secure inpatient care and specialist treatment for up to 25 individuals who have offended within the criminal justice system , are assessed as being mentally disordered , and who require conditions of enhanced safety and security that are outside the range and scope of secondary mental health services .
Divided into three ward areas , patients are placed according to their assessed levels of dependency and each ward has its own operational profile .
Mynydd Sleddog Adventures is Wales ’ first and only outdoor activity provider offering husky rides and sleddog experiences with a team of racing sled dogs within the beautiful forest trails of South Alwen Forest , near Cerrigydrudion , Conwy , Wales .
In July 2022 , I met with its company director Joe , to develop a partnership programme focused on providing therapeutic interaction and awareness raising sessions for our detained patients here in the secure unit . We compiled our own bespoke session plans particular to the needs of our patients here , with a pilot project , and the result was the creation of the K9 Club .
Session planning and delivery
Through the programme , we hoped to improve patients ’ wellbeing through meaningful engagement in a therapeutic session , engaging up to 10 patients in a weekly session , over five weeks . There would be an educational aspect and group discussion and then each patient would be paired up with their husky buddy and engage in a mile-long hike around the gardens .
Occupational therapy within such a restrictive environment requires careful planning and robust risk assessment , and this was completed prior to any sessions commencing .
Patient involvement was important to us as a care team and so there was consultation from the start to gain an idea of what patients wanted to gain from the project and we sought feedback at every stage to aid and then further shape our session planning and delivery .
After an initial meet and greet afternoon , the first structured session took place in September
The husky hike was definitely the favourite part for everyone . Patients were shown how to fit a walkie belt to themselves and a harness to their husky buddy , before completing the hike around the garden within the secure unit ."
2022 . It was focused on dog behaviour , body language , emotions and choice . Patients were asked to think about how they interpret how a dog is feeling and how do dogs express emotions .
We covered pre-conceptions about aggression in dogs and how this can sometimes be misinterpreted and we also linked the discussion to the dialectical behavioural therapy skills that some of the patients have learned in other therapeutic sessions , to link back to their own experiences of effectively reading the emotions of others .
Follow up sessions also focused on responsible dog ownership , the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and completing hands-on health checks for the dogs . Awareness around personal hygiene was brought into the sessions and discreetly addressed through discussion of the important of regular grooming and maintenance .
All sessions were held outside in the garden to promote and encourage healthy lifestyles and the realities of pet ownership .
Engagement and outcomes
The husky hike was definitely the favourite part for everyone . Patients were shown how to fit a walkie belt to themselves and a harness to their husky buddy , before completing the hike around the garden within the secure unit . Conversation flowed while everyone engaged in this activity ; there were lots of laughs and lots of cuddles with the dogs .
Wellbeing outcomes noted included improvement in mental state , increased engagement in other therapies and confidence and initiation of conversations from patients . A key
Below : Ulriken