OTnews April 2023 | Page 38

The K9 Club

Ingrid Unsworth is ‘ thrilled ’ that a pet assisted therapy pilot project is bringing engagement in meaningful activity to new heights in a medium secure unit in North Wales . Here she explains how .
Above clockwise left to right : Gary Williams , OT Technical Instructor , Ty Llywelyn , Ingrid Unsworth , Specialist OT , Ty Llywelyn and Joe Swiffen , Company Director , Mynydd Sleddog Adventures , with two of the husky dogs involved in K9 Club , Ulriken and Drake


vidence shows that interacting with animals can produce many benefits – physical , social and psychological . Pet assisted therapy has been used in health and social care settings for many years to aid patients in their treatment and recovery journeys .
Key benefits for mental health include reducing feelings of isolation , loneliness and depression . Engagement can help to bridge communication gaps and aid the patient in initiating conversations with their care team ( Pound et al 2004 ).
Engagement with animals can provide comfort and nurturing opportunities , feelings of calm , can lower anxiety and decrease agitation , providing an escape or distraction from the focus of the clinical setting and their detainment within a secure unit . It can create motivation for the patient to engage in further therapy and act as a catalyst to initiate the therapeutic relationship .
Animals are an integral part of people ’ s lives . Many people grew up with animals and have positive memories around this . When facing such occupational deprivation within a secure setting , reconnection to things that matter is crucial to a patient ’ s ongoing recovery and rehabilitation and can assist them in developing a positive sense of identity and purpose .
This is what , as an occupational therapy team here at Ty Llywelyn Medium Secure Unit , we are passionate about delivering .
Key observed benefits for physical health can be that the act of petting produces an automatic relaxation response , releases positive endorphins , stabilises blood pressure and can improve general cardiovascular health . Engagement in sessions can also encourage increased movement in joints , which aids recovery , maintains and increases motor skills .
38 OTnews April 2023