OTnews April 2023 | Page 40

Above : Joe and Ulriken
outcome was also around the positive impact gained from bonding with their husky buddies . There were lots of smiles while we all engaged in a shared activity that was simply so much fun .
Additional outcomes we noted included that patients :
• Were motivated to get up and be ready for the sessions each week without prompting .
• Increased their physical activity levels by jogging with their dogs .
• Recalled the information they had learned in previous sessions .
• Enhanced their learning and awareness around the working sleddogs and responsible pet ownership and animal welfare .
• Spoke with enthusiasm about the sessions to their care team .
• Were observed to clearly develop a sense of self-worth and purpose linked to their husky buddy over the project .
Attendance at sessions was consistent over the five weeks , with six out of the 10 patients attaining 100 %. Reasons for non-attendance were around fluctuating mental health for the remaining four patients .
Feedback and the future
There are plans to deliver another two sets of sessions for patients this year . This time , we are linking in with Coleg Llandrillo to capture some units through the Agored awarding board for training and education in Wales , enabling patients to maximise their potential and attain widely recognised , valued and respected qualifications in a fun non-classroom setting , developing patients ’ CVs for their ongoing progress and recovery .
Joe and I will train as assessors and capture through observation and discussion the skills and abilities patients are demonstrating through these sessions . We are also working with colleagues across Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board to adapt the project for successful delivery , initially across other mental health settings , but in the long term across additional directorates .
Feedback from patients has been amazing , with one patient who has been detained for six years saying it is the ‘ best thing he has ever done ’.
Other comments include : ‘ I found the sessions very therapeutic and enjoyed spending time learning and getting to know the dogs ’; ‘ I am enjoying myself because I love dogs , I like doing sessions , I want to do more K9 therapy and I want it to carry on because it teaches me to learn ’; ‘ We learnt many traits about the different types of dogs . We learnt how to handle them , plus having a dog to handle , which was matched with our personalities ’; and ‘ I will be upset when the sessions end .’
The project has been recognised by senior managers across the Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board for its good practice and gained written support from a local MP .
To support the partnership , we placed a donation box in our unit reception area over Christmas and staff and patients donated treats and toys to the huskies . A group of patients also worked together in their weekly woodwork sessions to construct a double dog kennel to donate to Mynydd Sleddogs , which was planned for completion in early 2023 .
As an occupational therapist , I am thrilled that this pilot project has definitely brought engagement in meaningful activity to a new height here in Ty Llywelyn . We cannot wait to see the next round of sessions start and the continued success and impact these beautiful dogs have on our patients and on our working environment in general .
Chambers , M ., Gallagher , A ., Borschmann , R ., Gillard , S ., Turner , K . and Kantaris , X . ( 2014 ). The experiences of detained mental health service users : issues of dignity in care . BMC Medical Ethics , 15 ( 1 ). doi : 10.1186 / 1472-6939-15-50 .
Pound P , Ebrahim S , Sandercock P , Bracken MB , Roberts I ( 2004 ) Where is the evidence that animal research benefits humans ? BMJ , [ online ] 328 ( 7438 ), pp . 514 – 517 . doi : 10.1136 / bmj . 328 . 7438.514 .
Words INGRID UNSWORTH , Specialist Occupational Therapist , Ty Llywelyn Medium Secure Unit , Llanfairfechan , North Wales . Should you wish to know more about the project , or the outcomes achieved , please email Ingrid . unsworth @ wales . nhs . uk
40 OTnews April 2023