OpinionMaster July 2013 Vol-1 | Page 17

The better ideas eventually prevail through competition , Under this marketplace of ideas rationale , all kinds of speech are permitted on the understanding that ruinous speech will fail the market assessment test , and will eventually be discarded . This justification for free speech is that it is essential in a society ’ s search for truth , which will ultimately emerge after a competition of all ideas in the market place . In words of justice Holmes of US supreme court , “ the best test truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market ”( Abrams Vs United states )…| 3 rd rationale – treats freedom of speech as promotion of every individual ’ self-fulfillment and autonomy . This rationale posits that protection of free speech is essential for human identity . To be fully human , It is essential to protect thoughts ……| recollecting work of Glanville Austine Mr Tyagi says “ For fostering a social revolution and to improve the lot of Indians , It is necessary that the society engages itself in the pursuit of truth , and all citizens be given every opportunity to realize their potential ( self-fulfillment and autonomy ). These rationales represent an important resource in our constitutional tradition – a resource that the Indian state keeps ignoring at its own peril .”
The struggle for freedom is not new in India , for since ancient times the working castes and classes while toiling away at the margins had consistently strived for betterment and tried relentlessly to topple the hegemony of brahminical philosophy and religion . The resultant social movements are all the examples of such assertions from among the working castes and classes .
While the liberalization of economic policy have brought in new found wealth and affluence to the Upper echelons of Indian society , The poverty and continued regional disparity in terms of infrastructure and social services is partly explained due to continued hegemony of orthodox elements who wish to impose practice of their forefathers onto the awakened masses . The bloodshed and fight continue in the countryside assisted by states complicit actions or inaction against feudal elements .
Liberalization of social and political policy is a must for the continued integration and completion of reconciliation of modern Indian society in line with the globalization efforts that should continue and yield positive results by creating a universal comity of human civilization which transcends the limitations of religion and race and caste . Thus completely defeat the poison of fascism , casteism , racism .