OpinionMaster July 2013 Vol-1 | Page 18

Published on counterclects . opinionmaster . co . in dated – 16 November 2011 .

I n a not the first time incident the Uttar pradesh government had to unceremoniously discharge an serving IPS ( Indian Police Service ) official from his office / post . DIG ( Director-Inspector General of Police ) Fire Department – UP government Mr Devendranath Dutt Mishra , wrote in file on ' Fire Incidents ', “ Everything in Uttar Pradesh Government was illegal and corrupt . This is the biggest scam .” { Reported in The Hindu on 6 November 2011 ; page 10 .}

This Sealed his downfall and initiated a sequence of events which lead to sensational exit of the IPS officer from his office and was forcibly hospitalized – Chhatrapati Shahuji maharaja Medical University ( CSSMU ).
The Head of psychiatric department AT CSSMU , conveyed to the press outside the hospital that the senior IPS officer was suffering from “ Bipolar episodic disorder ” and that the current episode is related to Mania without Psychotic disturbances .
We have through our various interactions have met some of such unceremoniously discharged “ Men of Law ”, Many of them now work as teachers and trainers in various institutions and conduct coaching classes for IAS / Civil services aspirants . Mr R C Sinha the proprietor of “ New Delhi IAS ” is one of the well-known IPS officers of Assam cadre who was unceremoniously discharged after being declared Mentally Unfit , Following his allegations that the state IG ( Assam ) as also the Assam Home Minister was involved in Human Trafficking and prostitution . Mr . R C Sinha had approached the superiors threatened to shoot them if they don ' t come out and confess to the crime .
Mr S V Patil – A KAS officer ( Karnataka Administrative Service ) also experienced an unsavory relationship with his superiors , after he was found breaking conventions of conduct and mingling openly with youth and sportsmen while serving in the Youth sports secretariat in Government of Karnataka . He has spent 7 – 8 years outside the system cooling his heels , teaching Public Administration to Civil Service Aspirants and Under Graduates . The last we met he had expressed a desire to re-join , with the favorable assistance of a senior serving IAS officer in the Government of Karnataka .
While these stories are just another side of Civil Servants ' life . It strengthens the need for an independent statutory “ whistle-blowers ” legislation , So as to provide protection for the brave and upright , helping them in all ways possible to enforce and uphold Law and its institutions . This also highlights the shoddy and hurried aimless manner of training of our IPS and IAS recruits , The Total absence of any training for State Civil Services Recruits in Government of India and Her constituent State Governments , notwithstanding strong Opinions for it . The discontinuity of the training makes it difficult for the incumbents to understand and come to terms with the pressures of the Job , They lack of learning experiences from the surviving veterans on the Job makes it all the more worse . After having spent a lifetime being compliant and amenable to all pressures bad and worse - rarely if ever lucky - Good pressures , only to finally dissolve into the ether that