Published on opinm . opinionmaster . co . in Dated 1 January 2013
I n recent times we have seen the paranoid reactions of the state administration to assault literary , historian , academic works by banning their publications and distributions . The purpose quoted is preservation of order in society and maintenance of order as also enforcement of law .
The underlying reasons the subversion of the modern Indian potential and promotion of the vested orthodox interests are not so well comprehensible . Adroitly hidden behind curtain of selfrighteous cacophony of the historical objects and speculations . Philosophical speculations are being pushed forward as genuine contributions of larger Indian society while the reality is the speculation is wishful , most of time borrowed , if not stolen from foreign and totally alien sources . The libel and subterfuge and accompanying obduracy is frustrating for open mind , Hence it is advised not to waste time and energy over such nonsense .
The banning of literary works like James leign ’ s Shivaji , A K Ramanujan ’ s 300 Ramayana , banning of telecast of movie DAM999 , Salman Rushdie ’ s novel satanic verses , Rohinton mistry ’ s Such a long journey dropped by Mumbai university from its syllabus , Rosckstar was forced to blur tibetian flag in a scene , Deshdrohi , Bandit Queen , Da Vinci code , Fire and many more .
The Indian state has assumed itself a role , which on expression and speech is narrowly defined to mean anything that assumes the form - That attempts to question status quo or the role of feudal politicking is viewed with disdain and state ’ s censorship is enforced , It ’ s unfortunate that a classicist danseuse is placed at the head of the central film censor board . Even a slight opinated depiction is immediately pointed out and the curbs applied , It ’ s amazing how the Indian union expects creativity to flourish under such monstrous conditions . The orthodoxy and conservatives , whom we have no dearth of , argue - expression and speech cannot mean to offend some and appease many . In other words even if the writings , creations points out stark reality in Indian society and if that depictions offends a influential group it ’ ll have to be subjected to censor . Its ’ yet to dawn upon these ridiculously silly group that notwithstanding censorship the banned work have a way of finding their way into the minds of their patrons .
Karan Singh Tyagi writing in The Hindu – A regional Daily on December 2 , 2011 explains in his article three main rationales for protection of freedom of speech , which are also reflected in the vision with which our constitution was drafted . …. Self Government rationale which provides that it is indispensable to protect free speech for robust democratic process . Protection of free speech is essential for people to communicate on political matters , which in turn enables them to fully participate in democratic affairs . Identified with work of Alexander Meiklejohn of US Supreme court in Whitney Vs California ……| 2 nd rationale – fashioned on laissez faire in economic realm and conceives that in market place of ideas ,