Online Food Delivery in Toronto Calorie Planned Meals: Taking the pain out of diet | Page 7

Using Calorie Planned Meals as part of a weight control program The major incentive for those undertaking a weight control program is that calorie planned meals removes a lot of the doubt and uncertainty in cooking meals. For example, it only takes the wrong choice of cooking oil, sauce or choice of ingredients to ruin even the best intentioned meal when calorie counting. However, pre-prepared calorie planned meals as good as guarantee the number of calories taken in with each meal. This means that weight watchers can introduce these meals into their daily diet plan with confidence. For example those on a weight maintenance diet may substitute one meal a day with the fixed calorie meal in order to allow them to feel free in the evening to dine with the family and eat the same as everyone else. In the circumstance where weight loss is the goal a person could substitute two meals a day for calorie planned meals and again be confident of falling below their target calorie intake. Also in more stringent weight loss programs a person may well substitute all regular meals for calorie planned meals and thereby stick rigidly to their daily intake schedule. After all knowing exactly what amount of calories you are consuming can only help with the plan to maintain or reduce weight.