Mind~Body Connection
How to Put the Cart Before the Horse
On & Off the Mat with Meichelle
Our speech and ability to communicate can be affected by an imbalance of the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, the throat chakra. When this chakra is out of balance, we may experience a tightness in the throat, a loss of words, or being over talkative, aggressive or judgmental in our speech. To bring balance to the throat chakra, practice the up-facing table pose.
The practice of Yoga strengthens the body and aids in calming a busy mind. On the mat, we learn to listen to the body and honor our abilities each day we practice. We learn to be kind to our bodies and our minds. We learn to challenge ourselves when necessary and also to back off. Our yoga practice is the horse. Our lessons from the yoga practice are in the cart.
The important part of practicing yoga is to take these lessons out into our daily lives, off the mat. Essentially, we attempt to put the cart before the horse. One of the ways that we can express our yoga off the mat is through the practice of mindful speech. The way we talk to ourselves and others is the greatest expression of our inner self. It affords us the ability to learn and grow. Here are some suggestions for using speech as a means for inner growth and self-study that are taught to us through the practice of yoga.
1 – Speak kindly to others and yourself.
Observe the types of thoughts that move through your mind during the day. How do you talk to yourself? Would you let someone else talk to you the same way? Notice how you speak to others. Do your words provide support, uplift, or point out faults? Does how you speak to others leave you feeling peaceful or agitated? Consider and practice speaking in a manner that leaves you and others feeling understood, heard, and appreciated. In doing so, you support your own inner peace and balance, as well as those around you.
by Meichelle Norwood