On the Coast – Families Issue 100 I June/July 2019 | Page 37

47 Meditate daily 66 Cook a meal for someone who is unwell or is struggling. to quieten the mind and align with inner self. Your inner being knows exactly what you need to do. 67 Have important heart, body. 68 87 Eat more green vegetables. 88 Buy and eat in season fruit and conversations face to face or via the phone, not via text. On your death bed, will you be still thinking about this issue/conversation/person? vegetables, they are cheaper and in synergy with the needs of the body. 69 Consider the 80/20 rule 89 Avoid foods that make you feel with meals. 80% vegetables or salad and 20% protein/meat. 70 Aim for food that has < 5g 48 sugar per 100g. 49 Listen to your body – if eating a 71 If you feel stressed, do a yoga class. 72 It’s OK to buy something simply Reduce exposure to toxic chemicals – Don’t store or heat things up in plastic. Use glass. 85 Be Here Now. 86 Use it or lose it – brain, muscles, tired or give you cravings. 90 Chew well to better digest foods and take a load off the gut. 92 Minimise EMF by avoiding screen time before bed, switch off router over night, avoid electronic devices within 1 metre of bed. certain food makes you feel unwell, don’t eat it. because you like it. No need to justify deserving it. 50 If something doesn’t feel right, it’s because it’s not. Too busy to exercise? Download 7 Minute work out APP. 73 91 Literally 51 Slow down. 52 Share your smile – it can make You can be an amazing human being without being busy and productive. Just by being, not by doing. 74 the flowers someone’s day. 53 Say Yes more often. 54 Ask for help if you’re struggling. 55 Exercise daily or at the very least 3 hours per week. 56 Get out in nature – bush, beach, garden. 57 Notice the wind under a bird’s wings as it flies by. 58 STOP – notice what you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch. This is present moment awareness. 59 ‘What comes naturally to me?’ Do more of that. 60 Experience real face to face relationships with people rather than online or virtual relationships. 61 Give and receive hugs everyday. 62 Stress less. 63 Acknowledge 3 things everyday for stop and smell 75 Snack on nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. 76 When you’re sick don’t soldier on. Take time to rest and recoup. 77 Give up soft drink forever. Drink plain mineral/soda water with dash of 100% juice to sweeten. 93 Balance light/dark, activity/rest, 78 Liars don’t heal. Tell the truth, it 94 Delete social media platforms that 79 Live fearlessly. 80 Do a digital detox and switch off Try eating Mediterranean style diet for 3 months. will set you free. devices for a weekend. feeding/fasting in your life. make you feel low. 95 96 Everything will be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end. 81 Life is meant to be fun, not serious. 97 Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 82 Be the best version of yourself. 98 The happier you are, the better 83 If you have slow bowels, eat muesli things get…not the other way around. with berries, chia and flax seeds for breakfast. 99 Rather than complain about your age, celebrate your birthday. It’s a 84 If you had self-esteem/courage/guts privilege to breathe another year. right now – What would you do? There’s your answer. 100 Take the path of least resistance. which you are grateful. 64 Escape reality for a while by going to a movie with a friend. 65 Do a random act of kindness. Diana Arundell is a university-qualified naturopath and consults from her Avoca Naturopath clinic. She has a special interest in fertility and pregnancy health, digestive health, immune function and family wellness programs. She was a nutrition lecturer at Macquarie University for 10 years, and is an accredited Journey Practitioner. For further information please contact Diana Arundell at Avoca Naturopath on 0410 465 900. JUNE/JULY – ISSUE 100 37