On Purpose April 2013 Cohort Book April 2013 Cohort Book | Page 32
“We cannot teach
people anything; we can
only help them discover
it within themselves.”
Impact volunteering
“Enhancement of human freedom
is both the main objective and the
primary means of development.”
Amartya Sen has a very human perspective that
development is not simply about GDP growth,
but about the expansion of citizens’ access
and opportunities to the things they value and
have reason to value: economic opportunities,
political freedoms, social facilities, transparency
guarantees and protective security.
NYC oCoolRoofs is a city-wide initiative and
mass collaborative action that seeks to set a new
standard for how cities can tap the power of their
people and tackle their most pressing challenges.
New York residents teamed up to paint rooftops
across the city with reflective paint to help reduce
cooling costs, cut energy usage and lower
greenhouse gas emissions.
“Life can be much broader once you
discover one simple fact, and that
is – everything around you that you
call life, was made up by people that
were no smarter than you. And you
can change it, you can influence it,
you can build your own things that
other people can use.”
Steve Jobs