On Purpose April 2013 Cohort Book April 2013 Cohort Book | Page 31

SMALL MOMENTS CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE going against the crowd We often feel pressured into following the crowd, doing what’s easy and personally beneficial, but what our moral backbone is screaming out is wrong. When we know it doesn’t feel right we need to take a stance and stand up for what we believe, however difficult that may be. Spots of Time stands out for its creative suggestions on how anyone can have a positive impact: from a game of boggle to making a mix tape. It’s one of many inspiring examples from a growing ‘sharing society’ that recognises and enables multiple ways of contributing to a community. ETHICAL SUPPLY CHAINS MINDFULNESS “The world understands that social issues and environmental crisis are now matters of urgency. Actions remain scarce but words abound. And despite this green-fronted economy, let’s try to offer a different vision which combines fair trade and ecology and