On Purpose April 2013 Cohort Book April 2013 Cohort Book | Page 33

Example not exception actioning values Even though most people would view Bruce Wayne as successful, he is still motivated by what’s right and risks his life to help others and do just that without ever being rewarded or acknowledged for it. “[Women] are not a special interest group. We are the majority... It is time for us to aim higher when it comes to women, to invest more and to deploy our dollars to benefit women all around the world. We can make a difference, and make a difference, not just for women, but for a global economy that desperately needs their contributions. Together we can make certain that the so-called exceptions begin to rule.” INNOVATION IN EDUCATION Gayle Tzemach Lemmon on Women entrepreneurs Experimentation “Here is a remarkable thought – among the world’s children starting grade school this year, 65% will end up doing jobs that haven’t even been invented yet. Since we can’t predict exactly what today’s young people will need to know in ten or twenty years, what we teach them is less important than how they learn to teach themselves.” “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” SALMAN KHAN FOUNDER OF THE KHAN ACADEMY Albert Einstein 32