in Truth
and Deed
By Beth Jordal,
Communications Department,
One Mission Society
Prudence and Pradel
“I don’t know how she does it,” I thought,
while watching Prudence welcome another
patient with an extended hand and a kind
“Bon jou.” Prudence works as the head
nurse at Bethesda Medical Clinic in CapHaitien, Haiti, a ministry of One Mission
Society. However, on this day, what should
have been a day off, Prudence was leading a mobile medical clinic hosted by the
church her husband, Pradel, pastors.
The clinic had been open for several
hours, but Prudence offered compassion,
warmly wrapped in kindness, to every patient. She had a peace about her, fitting
the description of the peace that surpasses all understanding found in Philippians
4:7. The peace of God seemingly guarded
her heart and mind, so that she could be
Christlike while greeting and treating the
steady line of patients. As I observed her, I
never saw her lose her composure, roll her
eyes, raise her voice, or show the least bit
of irritation. Nothing seemed to faze her—
not the heat, the crude medical set-up,
or the continual interruptions. “God must
be pleased with Prudence,” I wrote in my
journal after the clinic, “because she is doing what Scripture exhorts us to do in 1
John 3:18 … to love not with just words,
but with truth and deed.”
Prudence included me in \