Southern Asia
began in 1978 when the Overseas
Missions Committee was formed
and began to systematically send missionaries around the world. In 1988, the
KEHC created the Missionary
Training Center to provide in-depth
training for missionary candidates
before they leave for the field.
One of my favorite ministries in
Korea is getting to know the missionary candidates in the Missionary
Training Center as I meet with them once
a week for English training before they go
to the mission field. This year, 15 missionaries (8 families) live in the Missionary Training
Center as they prepare for their ministries. I am
inspired when I become acquainted with them in
training and then see them go to the mission field,
receive their prayer letters telling what God is doing,
and then reconnect with them when they return
to Korea for homeland assignment.
The KEHC Overseas Missions Committee has set goals for the
year 2028, which will be its 50th anniversary, with the acronym “SEND
2028”: Send 1,000 regular missionaries; Evangelize 100 unreached
people groups; Network with 1,500 supporting churches; and Deposit
100 billion won (US$84,650) to benefit missions.
Last year, the KEHC Overseas Missions Committee created the
Missions Policy Center in order to help it carry out its overseas missions work more strategically and effectively. In addition, OMS-related
churches in other countries have looked to the KEHC as a model for
how they might be able to start their own overseas missions programs.
Our prayer is that OMS and the KEHC will cooperate more and
more for God’s kingdom in areas of the world where we both serve.
As we unite our resources to fulfill the Great Commission by establishing responsible, reproductive, Christ-centered churches around
the world, may we accomplish greater things together that we could
not accomplish separately.
photos pages 24-25: The KEHC sends hundreds
of missionaries to countries all over the world.