OMS Outreach Outreach Online September-December 2019 | Page 11

missionaries, we shared the mini-pack concept as a means to get Jesus to un- reached people groups. This led to discus- sions with OMS’ evangelism and church planting ministry, Every Community for Christ, as they work to plant house churches in villages in 23 countries in Africa. God orchestrated meetings, and prayer is ongoing to provide the mini- pack projector sets for use in these places in Africa. God has provided seven mini-packs, and we are seeking God for the additional units. We pray that many souls will receive eternal life through Jesus photo: A group of JESUS film watchers in Tanzania Jesus Film Project desires to collabo- rate with like-minded ministry partners to make Jesus known globally. So in March 2019, we joined the Billion.Global coalition. We’ve united with them to share the Gospel message of Jesus with a billion people over a 10-year period. In meetings with the leadership team of Billion.Global, which includes One Mission Society 11 as God provides these units. We are pleased that another Billion.Global co- alition partner has requested a unit for use in a hard-to-reach area of the world. We pray for the return of Christ in God’s perfect timing, and in doing so, we have a sense of urgency to get this message of hope out before his return, while the fields are ripe for harvest. We hope to provide the JESUS film for all who need to hear about Jesus and his gift of eternal life. photos page 11, right: A team in Madagascar does whatever necessary to show the film, including crossing a river. left: Audiences in Pakistan enjoy the movie.