OMS Outreach Outreach Online September-December 2019 | Seite 10
One Mission Society
Partner to Reach Africa
By the Jesus Film Project Team
The JESUS film, first released in 1979, has reached more than 8
billion people with the redemptive message of Jesus, with 572
million of those making decisions to follow Christ after viewing it.
The film, adapted from the Gospel of
Luke, has been shown around the globe
and was initially translated into the major
languages of the world to give the larg-
est number of people the opportunity to
hear about Jesus in their heart language.
Today, the film has been translated into
additional languages, now totaling 1,753
languages. How will people know about
Jesus unless someone brings this Good
News to them? We desire to have the
film translated for all to hear.
Language is a barrier that can pre-
vent someone from hearing about Jesus.
Technology is another barrier. In previous
years, showing the JESUS film required
a projector, a generator, three spools of
16 mm film, a large screen, and the dark-
ness of night. Today, the film can be ac-
cessed via an app so that a smartphone
opens the door for God’s message to be
shared. In like manner, generous donors
and God’s gifting to technologically-
minded individuals have helped create
the mini-pack projector set. The digi-
tal projector, smart card movie storage,
pop-up screen, speakers, and solar pan-
els for charging can all be placed into a
single backpack that weighs 23 pounds
and can be transported to show the film
to about 200 people anywhere in the