OMS Outreach Outreach Online September-December 2019 | Page 12

Standing Strong The persecution of Christians around the world continues to escalate. India ranks in the top 10 of nations where it is most dangerous to follow Jesus. Read this powerful testimony about Brother LR* and Sister S*, fifth-generation disciples from southeastern India who have been dis- cipled by the leaders of a Billion.Global coalition partner. In 2016, Rev. R* went to a village to pray and share the Gospel. He met LR*, an un- employed man whose father is a sorcerer, worships 80 gods and goddesses, and practices witchcraft. LR confided to the pastor that his wife S* was very ill. Rev. R quickly shared his testimony about how his own wife had been very sick. He shared how he had accepted the Lord in 2014 and how his family is now healthy and blessed with peace and joy. He also shared the Gospel with LR, who listened but did not make a decision at that moment. Rev. R faithfully continued to visit the family of LR until he, his wife, and their five children put their faith in Christ. Sister S was healed, and LR found a government job as a village janitor. Their faith grew stronger as Rev. R discipled them, despite the extended family’s objections to their conversion. In December 2016, the whole family was baptized. They began attending the village church discipleship training program. As part of this program, they actively participated in various social projects like feeding the poor and cleaning the village. Sister S also adopted three villages in which to share the Gospel. In January 2017, she discipled Sister K* and her family, who in turn discipled Sister R*, and the multiplication continues. In March of 2019, in a village just a few kilometers from LR and S’s house, a friend planned a birthday celebration for his son. They invited Rev. R and other church mem- bers to lead a special time of prayer for him. LR accompanied him, and they sent transpor- tation for S and a few other church women to join them. 12